
literacy 2.0

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Invitation to my blog as part of Podcasting EVO 2011--Fantastic!!!

I must commend the organisers for the Electronic Village Online 2011. I had a blast, it was great learning about podcasting and trying my hand at creating my very own podcasts.

This is a great web tool that can be used to engage students and adults alike in relevant, meaningful and authentic activities. I highly recommend that everyone learn how to create podcasts. Podcasts can be used across the curriculum-- in any subject area and for Professional Development as well, there is no boundary on its uses.

Therefore I would like to invite everyone to visit my podcasting blog at
where you can listen to my podcast e-portfolio created as part of the Podcasting for the EFL-ESL classroom EVO session 2011.

Hope you enjoy my efforts

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Start the New Year with Professional Development

This is a great opportunity to learn about how to infuse technology into the classroom so that students can be empowered and engaged in the learning process.

EVO sessions are free and hosted by a very helpful and dedicated group of educators with a TESOL (teaching english as a second language) background, but anyone can join in and benefit from this Professional Learning Environment. These sessions are held every year from Jan-Feb/Mar period.

This is my third year registering and it is an excellent learning experience that I highly recommend.
I gave the link to my colleagues so I will be interested in how many actually participate.